Sunday, May 23, 2010

101 in 1001 list - update

I wrote my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days here, and since I have a sleeping baby girl in my arms and can't fold the laundry (darn!), thought this would be a good time to do an update!

First of all, I have changed a few things:

62.  Participate in a half-marathon - I am changing this to "Participate in any kind of a race (excluding races with my daughter, nephew, niece, etc ;))"

77.  Watch the Top 100 movies (yahoo list) -  Honestly, there were just some movies that I would never want to watch (there were some scary ones on there!!), so I found a new list here.  I thought that I would be more likely to finish this list.

82.  Read 10 favorite young adult books - Just changing this to 10 young adult books, not necessarily favorites.  This way, I have freedom to read some new ones.

95.  Somehow this got deleted?!  So 95 is "Talk to my grandfather about his life."

K, so now for the progress on each of these:

Crossing these babies off:

21.  Go to a place from Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations."  - Check and check!  We went to SF last weekend and ate both at Red's Java House and at the ferry building on The Embarcadero.

22.  Try sushi.  Had some at my sis-in-law's baby shower.  It was better than I thought it would be, but nothing life changing.  My brother told me about a place I should go to, so maybe I'll give it another try.

26. Make a vegetarian meal that J doesn't say "Where's the meat?" to - Made this salad for lunch on Friday and it was wonderful...soo many wonderful flavors and textures.  And not a "Where's the meat?" muttered!!  Success!

39.  Fix kitchen light - done. :)

41.  Touch up paint in entrance to kitchen.
42.  Paint entrance to our bath.  Got both of these done on a yucky rainy day while hoping that G wouldn't notice that I was painting with my fingers and think that it was a good idea. (yes, I was using my fingers instead of a brush cuz I just wanted it DONE!)

43.  Put pics in frames on hutch.  Done, but not in love with them.  Need to find something else to go in there maybe??

50.  Go to a zoo - Or at least Reno's best shot at a zoo :)

In progress...

12.  Grow herbs - bought some beautiful rosemary and basil plants this week, and waiting for the SNOW to go away to plant them outside.

13.  Take a photography class - doing one online, since that is really all I have time for and I can do it in the wee hours of the morning, during G's nap time, or long into the night.  Verdict so far: I am now obsessed with photography :-D

31.  Eat at least one thing I've grown - got my garden most of the way planted and hoping that the snow leaves my sweet lil plants alone!

34.  Plant new grass - J got the old yucky grass torn up, just waiting for better weather to finish it up!  (Are you noticing how much the weather is affecting my crossing off stuff?!)

61.  Memorize 1 Scripture per month - I have two on my fridge that I have almost memorized, just getting some of the fruits of th Spirit in wrong order or left them out.  I'm working on it though!

68.  Workout 3 times per week for 3 months.  This is a hard one b/c of my work schedule.  On the plus side, since January I have lost 5 pounds and my body fat percentage has gone down by 2.4%, which now puts me in the, are you ready for this, ATHLETIC range!!!!!  I've never been called athletic before in my life!!!  Without sarcasm, at least ;)

77.  Watch the top 100 movies (see change above) - So far we have watched:
         - Iron Will
         - Life of Brian (waste of time)
         - Dogma (very interesting, makes you think, but LOTS of terrible language)
         - Ben-Hur (loved this!!!!!)
         - The Greatest Story Ever Told (but in my opinion, told in the most boring way, wasn't impressed)
         - Barabbas (interesting, not something I would have watched if not for this list, and watched it on Easter weekend, so made it even more memorable)
81.  Do everything I plan to do in a book challenge - here I wrote what I was hoping to do for the Spring Reading Challenge, and I have finished 4 of the 7 books, very close to finishing the 5th, and already into the last 2.  Not too shabby, and I still have a month left!

Ahhh, baby just woke up and right about perfect timing!  Will have to be done for now!

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