Tuesday, January 6, 2009

And then we misplaced the camera for a little while, but the grandparents took lots of pictures so we'll put those up once we get copies...

Day Fifty One: January 3rd
A big day for the Kitchen fam!

First, we had to say goodbye to Granddad...and Grandma.
We were sad so instead of going to an empty and quiet apartment, we went to Barnes and Noble...
and then were invited to Gram and Pop Pop's house for dinner, where I got to suck on my favorite thing EVER, Gram's finger that was cut-off when she was a little girl!

A big day indeed!
Day Forty Three: December 25th (once again, you'll have to fast forward a bit)
Our first Christmas morning as a family
Day Forty: December 22nd
I'm loving all this socializing, but wow is it exhausting!
Day Thirty Nine: December 21st
I was dedicated in church today! And once again, Mommy put me in crazy bows!

Day Thirty Eight: December 20th (fast forward through those other days, we don't need them)
Meeting Grandma and Granddad for the first time!

Day Thirty Five: December 17th
After one of the many, many, MANY blow-outs. Mommy and Daddy are going to buy stock in OxyClean!

Day Thirty Four: December 16th
Oh man, what a NIGHT!
Day Thirty Three: December 15th
I found my thumb! And it's fun to suck on!
Day Thirty Two: December 14th
Napping in one of my favorite places, Daddy's arms

Day Thirty One: December 13th
Check out those lil boots!!

Day Thirty: December 12th
Gracie looks amazingly beautiful in white, as you can see.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day Twenty Nine: December 11th
Not the best picture of me, but thought I'd show that yes, Gracie does have a mother (somebody doesn't take many pictures)
Day Twenty Eight: December 10th
One MILLION dollars.....
Day Twenty Seven: December 9th
At the youth group Christmas party, being held by Rachel
Day Twenty Six: December 8th
Apparently Gracie is totally disgusted by her parents giving her kisses!

Day Twenty Five: December 7th
Getting ready for our first Christmas card! Don't worry, we ditched the hat ;)